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/ Professional Typography 2 / Professional Typography 2 - 1997.iso / truetype / fonts / wddrr.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1999-12-01  |  42KB
Labels: bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky | water
OCR: IOR 12 in quick broim fax jumps the laeng dan 18 The quick hrofun fox jumps puer the lazy dog. 24 quick hrofun fux jumps Janu the lazy dog. The quick hruam fax jumps nuer the lazy aip quick hruun fax jumpa nuer the lazy dag 60 aiD yunh hruum fux jumpz nuer the lazy alD yanh hrnan fux tumpz nuer the Iazy ORSZ hraam atter lagn ouer hrnfum hrnam hrun nier RZRI